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Senin, 28 Juni 2010

How to Acquire Some Experience Before Your First Pay Job

By Funom Makama
After graduating from the University, you begin searching for Jobs and all you see in adverts is specificity in demand for applicants with experience and not just that, but years of it. Does that mean companies are no more interested in fresh graduates? Even the experienced ones started from somewhere and if they discourage 'fresh brains' how would they acquire the experience then?

First, you have to know that it is very possible to gain some experience while studying. This is not necessarily achieved by doing some part-time Jobs. After all, most professional Jobs may not accept part time Jobs. But if you manage to get one, then kudos to you! But if the possibility is slim, how can you acquire this experience almost every firm needs? Before we proceed, let's pause to review the academic calendar. A normal academic calendar is 8-9 months for a year. So, if peradventure your academic session is 8 months, you are assumed to cover one year after the completion of this period.

Now what? Apply for Holiday internships. Look for jobs closely related to your field of study. When your friends are thinking of enjoying the summer holidays with family friends, or touring around Europe in 2 months or spending time in the beach, or even watching the summer world cup competition, you can be working. DO not bother whether you'll be paid or not, your sole aim is to get the experience and ensure that after your internship, you get an attractive certificate. You can also apply for volunteer Jobs. Even though most of the volunteer jobs readily available focused on Children and camping, you may be fortunate to find 'semi-professional' ones related to your field. You can do this twice a year during the summer and as well during the winter.

Okay! Let's say you worked for approximately 3 months in the summer and maybe 3 weeks (which is approximately a month) during the winter. You've worked for approximately 4 months that year, which is already half an academic year and for you, it would be counted as half a year. If you do this for 2 years, you now have one year experience. If for 4 years, then you have 2 years experience. Another advantage of this is that even after graduation; you can easily get a Job with the organization, or go back to them for an added one full year experience before you begin your search for a better Job. Another plus is that, if you are very good, they can persuade you to stay by upgrading your pay check. But most importantly, you have acquired the experience you need.

Note that some professions are very difficult to get jobs under the holiday internship programs, especially when your year of study is concerned. For most European Medical Universities running the 6 year-medical undergraduate study program; a first year and second year medical student, and sometimes even a third year student may hardly get a holiday internship program, because these are pre-clinical periods of the student's medical program. Well, just apply for another internship program, and if lucky something close to the medical field. But here is another alternative. Apply for an 'unprofessional self-training program' personally to any public hospital. This will enable you work like an apprentice under any medical professional you will work with. Look for teaching or specialist Hospitals owned by medical schools or government bodies. You may not necessarily work, but you would be allowed to see technical procedures, surgical operations and other medical procedures. You may be lucky to be attached to a professor or specialist who can give you some basic coaching, comprehensible at your level. This is a lot easier to achieve if you go for Hospitals in another country or even another continent (if you can afford it).

It is very good to relax, have lots of fun and even be adventurous during your long holidays, but it is better and even more productive to use them to acquire some experience, as you still will have much more opportunities later in Life to relax and have fun. Acquire some experience as you study now and find it a lot easier to fit into the Labor Market later.

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