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Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

How to Make a plan to find a new job

If you are starting to feel that the job you are in does not have any benefit to you anymore, start making a plan to find a new job that is fulfilling and fun.

•Step 1
Don't ever leave a job in one angry moment. Calm down and think seriously if there are ways you can make your job better. Maybe a change in your attitude can help you feel good about the job you are in. If not, know that there are probably other options and you are responsible for getting the job you want.

•Step 2
If you don't feel brave enough to leave a job, think to yourself "is this the best job I could ever get?" I bet the answer will be no. Have faith in yourself. Repeat several times a day "there is a better job for me."

•Step 3
Let your mind wander to activities or ideas that make you go "oooo" You want to have that bubbly feeling in your heart. That is a clue that you need to research that idea more. If you put some importance on what excites your spirit, you have a better chance of finding a job that you like.

•Step 4
Search the internet for ideas of the best places to work. You might as well work somewhere that is known for happy employees and most likely good benefits. Ask your friends what they like about their jobs. You may get a different outlook that some people actually do like their jobs. Just letting people know your intentions can bring up job possibilities.

•Step 5
Get your finances in order. Take the time to see exactly how much money you would need to feel comfortable while you are in transition. You may have a family or others that count on you to keep a steady income. Even if you can't leave your current job immediately, starting to make your plan will make it easier to stay until you can leave.

•Step 6
Look at the career center of you community college or go to for ideas of challenging and exciting jobs. Expand your mind to all the possibilities and see what excites you. Maybe you would be interested in something you don't even know about yet.

•Step 7
Notice all the different interests people have and how they rolled them into unique jobs. You are brainstorming now, don't just stick to stuff you already know. Think of people who have the job of training dolphins or tracking eagles or guiding river rafting. What if you could do anything you want with no road blocks? It couldn't hurt to fantasize! Nothing is too wonderful to be possible. Make a plan, trust yourself and go for it! You deserve to be happy! See my article on finding out what makes you happy.

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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