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Senin, 12 Juli 2010

7 Top Tips for Using Job Search Websites

Finding a job online is not longer a luxury or something reserved for only a few lucky people who know how to find job opportunities on the Internet. Today, anyone can get quick access to a large variety of job listings on major job search websites such as or Such websites allow you to post resumes and apply to a job through online forms. Newsletters and email announcements that let you know of new jobs in the areas you are interested in are also available and should be used extensively to get the edge on new listings. In addition to the actual job listings, you may also find resources on how to secure a job and how to make your CV more attractive. Here are a few general tips that apply to all major job search websites – assimilate these ideas in your job hunt strategy and your chances of success will skyrocket.

1. Use online and offline social networking to get more resources on new jobs and to get recommendations.

2. Don’t rely on a single job hunting website and try to diversify your search. There are literally thousands of niche job sites that might give you a better chance than a huge general job searching website.

3. Job search engine websites are also an interesting option – they work similarly to Google or Yahoo, but they only display results closely related to job offers.

4. Local websites should also be included on your list, together with national job listing websites.

5. In addition to creating profiles on job websites, also check with your Chamber of Commerce and local newspaper listings.

6. Job banks are another resource that can land you your dream job. Search by keyword, location, career type or any other relevant criteria and narrow down the list to only the most relevant available jobs.

7. When applying for a job, you should try to personalize the message as much as possible, and show the employer that you actually took the time to read through their ad and to go through their company profile. A simple copy-paste cover letter won’t do much good, especially if it is very vague and general.

Finding your dream job is not as difficult as you might think. However, remember that you are not the only one hunting for a good job, so expect some tough competition. Success won’t necessarily happen after one or two job applications, but perseverance and a good baggage of skills will definitely put you on the right track.

By Michael Rad

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