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Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Executive Job Search Isn’t Panning Out? Here’s What to Do Next

There is often nothing more frustrating than spending many hours each day searching for a job only to find that your hard work doesn’t seem to be paying off. Even though you’re aware that a job search is a journey, sometimes you just don’t want the journey to take as long as it does.

While you may not be able to kick you executive job search into warp speed, there are ways to clean shop a bit and make sure you’re on the right track. So if your executive job search isn’t quite panning out, here are some tips to keep it going.

Make Some Unique Adjustments to Your Resume

If your traditional resume isn’t pulling in the attention you want, you may have the wave the red flag at the bull. In other words, you may have to say some things that may get a recruiter or employer’s attention. This could include making a more attention-getting title if you’re applying online. Instead of just noting the position you want to apply for (i.e. "Executive Sales Director), you might use one that draws people in (i.e. "Executive Sales Director at 123 Trading Led Team to Record $1 Million Revenue in 2008").

Another unique resume strategy would be to list the logos of past (or current) employers on the left-hand side of your resume. You could also provide logos and snapshots of universities you attended and awards you’ve received. These images would give quick insight to your background without having to search for words. And if you’re used to sending resumes via email, try sending yours via snail mail on quality paper to stand out.

Consider Adding a P.S. to your Cover Letter

In a continued effort to stand out among your competition, you might also consider adding a "p.s" to your cover letter. One reason is that in this section you can add one or two tidbits about yourself that the employer may not know. But an even more important reason is that, if nothing else gets read in the cover letter, the "p.s" will - in fact, it may draw the employer in first then intrigue him enough to work backwards and read the entire cover letter.

So what do you say in your "p.s."? You may take a chance and namedrop. For instance, you might say something like "Call me ASAP to find out why Dr. John Brown from Ivy League University said I’m the best Executive Sales Director he’s ever met." Or you might consider adding in very briefly why you have such a passion for what you do - but make it personal.

Broaden Your Contact Scope

After years as an executive, you may have a healthy list of contacts to connect with as you seek job opportunities. But if your job search has so far led you to brick walls, it may be time to expand your contact list. By joining LinkedIn and ZoomInfo (find the FreshContacts section), you could get your hands on millions of professionals from millions of companies.

A dragging executive job search isn’t the end of the world, it just means that you may have to light a fire - better yet, a towering inferno - under your own you-know-what. By pushing passed your own limits, you’ll be able to supercharge your executive job search in no time.
Executive Resumes
Compare the top writers for executive resumes in the industry.

By Heather Eagar

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1 komentar:

  1. In order to have executive job search you should be master of your field,Which means you should be skilled enough in your field that you are able to answer any question regarding that field.
