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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

How to Find Teen Jobs Online

Finding a job online can be difficult for teen job seekers. The big boards cater to adult job seekers and very few post jobs specifically for teens. There are however a few job board out there that were created by teens and for teens. Getting started with your online job search is very easy. Here are the steps you will need to take.

- Step one - Find the job board that is best for you and register there. There are boards for teens only. My advice is to use a search engine and search on teen jobs or summer jobs. If you register with a niche teen board you will not be competing with adults for the same position. Make sure you fill out all of the information requested. The more information you provide the better off you will be. Keep in mind that employers view hundreds of these online applications, so you need to give your profile some personality and make sure that you stand out.

- Step two - Sign up for job alerts. This is a service that will email you when a job gets posted meeting your specific criteria.

- Step three - Follow through and apply to all jobs in your area and make sure you supplied your cell phone and email information. When you apply it is a good idea to submit a personalized cover letter and a resume as well. This will help you separate yourself from the other applicants who simply fill out the application.

Good luck in your teen jobs search.

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