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Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Resume Wizards - Resume Software Reviews to Create Perfect Job Resumes

Many people find writing their resume to be a time consuming task that is often confusing and stressful. There are many methods you can use to ease this frustrating task. One of the easiest and most efficient ways of creating the perfect resume is by using resume software. Using a resume software package can help you to generate a resume that help you to rise to the top of the list and outshine your competitors. With resume software you are free to focus on the content of your resume since the resume software will take care of the presentation for you. Trying to uncover the perfect job is already an uphill battle, whether you are experienced in your field and looking to change careers, a recent college graduate looking for your first big break, or unemployed and seeking to find much needed work. Your time is in short supply and is a resource you can't afford to waste. Using resume software will allow you to get the best results, in the fastest time-frame, with the least amount of effort.

There are many different options to consider when looking at resume software packages. Your first option is to purchase a resume template and input your own information using a regular word document. While templates can be a cheaper avenue to take, your options will be severely limited due to lack of features that will prevent you from being able to check for errors and properly edit your information. You will be confined to only adding your information into a specific format. Your second option is to go with a software package that is specifically designed to edit your resume, check for errors, provide you with various formatting options, and recommend eye-catching phrases for you to use. Many resume programs have enhanced features that include online job resources, interview tips and salary advice. If you are serious about finding the perfect job then it is worth the effort to utilize a resume software package to give you the competitive advantage that is critical in today's job market.


MyResumes is the first software package in our line-up. This resume software has limited capabilities. It includes a spell checker, graphics feature and has the ability to create a PDF version of your resume. Most of these features are already present in your typical word processor. The lack of enhanced features prevent MyResumes from being a very useful tool. It is financially advisable to stick with your current word processor rather than use this software package.

The Resume Maker Pro

The Resume Maker Pro is the next resume program in our software line-up. It consists of basic resume formatting features, minus all the extra bells and whistles you may find in other programs. Resume Maker Pro allows you to import previously written resumes into the software where you can edit and format your resume, which can save you some typing time if you have already prepared a resume. The have an online support system, FAQ feature, a user's manual for installation and questions about using the software. If you run into problems you will have a great chance of finding the answer you need. The down-side to the Resume Maker Pro software program is that it doesn't offer much in the way of job interviewing tips and job resources. It doesn't have the capability of creating a PDF version of your resume, which may not be an issue for many users. It also will not run on NT systems, which may be an issue for some users. This program is recommended if you are looking for a basic, cost-effective program for formatting your resume in a timely manner.

WinWay Resume Deluxe 12

The third program in our resume software review line-up is WinWay Resume Deluxe 12. This program offers many advanced options and features that you will not find in competing programs. WinWay is simple to install, has great, reliable customer service, enhanced editing tools and offers an abundance of job resource information. With WinWay you have the ability to format your resume to fit on one page, you can create a PDF version of your resume, and it also takes advantage of the new video trend by allowing you to simulate video interviews. WinWay is not compatible with NT or Macintosh systems. It also does not have the ability to import your current resume, but with so many enhanced features you will want to start out fresh and create a winning resume using all the enhanced features offered in the WinWay resume software program. If you are looking for a competitive edge in the market place then this program is a must in your arsenal of tools!

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