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Senin, 13 September 2010

Career Goal Examples You Should Adopt Today!

Can you remember all the career goal examples that your parents had/have for you? Many of us remember hearing "you have to go the right college", "you have to become a lawyer" or "it would be ideal if you could become a doctor" A career for many people defines them, it is part of their identity, it helps bring satisfaction to their lives. But what happens when you can't quite seem to find the career path that is right for you or if the path that you have chosen is suddenly starting to feel a little "off". When that happens you need to step back and start to set some career goals for yourself.

There are a great number of career goal examples out there. What stage you are at in your career will determine the kinds of career goals that you will set out to achieve. But regardless of what phase of life you are in, establishing some solid career goals and embarking on a career goal setting journey are the best things you can do.

You've got to learn how to stay on top of the career goals you set for you self. People who are successful at planning their careers stay on track through a number of ways.


- Using a monthly calendar to mark down various tasks and important associated dates i.e. deadlines, application dates.

- Creating daily task lists of all the things that need to be done to help bring you closer to your goal. These lists are to be reviewed frequently and completed tasks must be removed.

- Appointment books or PDAs

You may use all or some of these methods, and if necessary you can also have a friend monitor your progress to ensure that you are getting things done.

Having an effective plan to map out the steps needed to achieve your career goals is very important. It is also important to revisit your plan often and make necessary adjustments. If a particular step is not working well for you try something new. Remember you can get to your goal using a number of different paths.

Among the list career goal examples:

When developing your career goal setting plan there are a many things to consider when it comes to finding your first job or assessing whether you current job is right for you. One of the many career goal examples would be to make a list of some important questions to ask yourself about a particular job. They include:

- Does a job in the field you are considering require you to move? Could a job in this field take you somewhere you have always wanted to move to?

- Are there many people with similar qualifications as me trying to get into this career field? Will have to continually obtain new certificates/training to stay current in the field?

- In the next ten years will this industry still be vibrant and viable?

- Is this a recession proof or non-essential job? Will the position I am considering the first should the company's financial situation be compromised?

- In order to make this jump in my career do I need to gain certain qualifications? - Does this particular position allow room for advancement?

We could probably think of tonnes of career goal examples but you must find the career goals that are specific to you and your specific career goal.Make sure you set up long and short term career goals, set up a plan to achieve them and never lose faith.

Victor Ghebre is the editor of where you get practical tips and information on goal setting, motivation, leadership and more.

Visit Career Goal Setting to learn how to set yourself up for success and get free tips on how to effectively set career goals.

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