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Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Can LinkedIn help you land a new job?

Robin Ryan, America's Top Job Search Expert

LOWELL, MA -- Social networking is all the rage, but can LinkedIn really help you get hired? Yes - with an emphasis on the word "help." LinkedIn is a great social media networking tool that if utilized effectively, it will assist you in your job search. LinkedIn is widely used by internal staffing departments in most high tech companies and in many Fortune 1000 companies.

You may hear more about Twitter or Facebook, but if you seek a promotion or a new job, LinkedIn is a much more useful network to use. Why? Two important reasons. First, there are more than 70 million users on LinkedIn. It's has become more social, easier to use, and a recruiting resource that many headhunters and employers are using. Second, 63% of all jobs are found through networking, according to the Department of Labor. Expanding your network of contacts is essential. And LinkedIn is an ideal tool for job hunters to add to their job search arsenals.

But just going online and signing up for LinkedIn won't do it. Utilizing this resource takes a little time, effort and some savvy direction. The benefits of networking are well-documented. Someone may tell you about a job opening or new company that may need your skills. Another connection may send your resume on through internal channels to reach the decision maker. Expanding your digital rolodex is essential for career success in today's job market.

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