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Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Is your job search well balanced?

Abridged: California Job Journal

SACRAMENTO, CA -- For most job seekers, such traditional techniques as answering want-ads, registering with employment agencies, seeking referrals from family and friends, and making cold calls have given way to using the Internet. In fact, a significant number of people are using Web job sites as their primary source of leads and applications, which - according to Ken Kuznia, career catalyst at Dig Your Work - can be a major mistake.

"Although I never discourage anyone from this job-search method, I strongly encourage them to make it only 10 to 15 percent of their job search. My experience has shown that the ratio is typically inverted; most job eekers are spending 85 to 90 percent of their time looking for a job online" Kuznia says. The key to cutting down the time spent is to use some of the numerous tools online designed to make your internet job search tasks easier to accomplish and leave you more time for networking.

Kuznia further advises job seekers to take a more active role in contacting potential employers on their own. "Engage in more proactive avenues, such as calling the companies directly, which many job seekers have found to dramatically increase the number of interviews."

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