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Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Fit Fitness into Your Workday

For those of us who spend long days at our workstations, sitting nearly motionless under fluorescent lights, fitness can seem like a pipe dream. How do you squeeze substantial physical activity into a job that squeezes most of the air out of your day?

Katie Hamlin, a senior account executive at public relations firm Edelman, puts her finger on it: “It’s hard to stay in shape when you work 9 to 5, especially when no one really gets out of work Rata Penuhat 5.”

But even for cynics who believe at-the-office exercise is nothing more than a comedic routine involving finger calisthenics and laps around the conference table, there is hope. You can find times and ways to exercise at work, as long as you’re willing to think creatively about your situation, occasionally push the envelope of workplace decorum and perhaps even chuckle at yourself.

Start with Modest Changes to Your Routine
You may have heard the standard advice for workers looking to fit some fitness into their days: Park your car at the farthest corner of the lot. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Use the phone and email less, and walk to talk with your coworkers instead.

If you are among the most sedentary of the sedentary, these measures will begin to get your blood moving, but they’re really just a start. “Nothing can replace solid, intense workouts,” says Salvatore Fichera, an exercise physiologist. “But being as active as possible all through the workday does make a difference over time.”

Fichera recommends brisk exercise breaks of about 10 minutes. That should be enough time to give yourself a significant interval of cardiovascular exercise without taking up more time than a typical coffee break.

Fit in a Couple of 10-Minute Workouts

“If you take a break and climb the stairs for 10 minutes, you’ll burn 150 calories, assuming you weigh 150 pounds,” says Tammy Lakatos, a trainer and registered dietitian. Within that timeframe, you should be able to rev your metabolism without getting too sweaty, she says.

Will a 10-minute workout attract the wrong kind of attention from coworkers and bosses? If it does, you can try explaining why you’re doing it, or just keep at it and ignore negative reactions, which will likely fade with time.

Trainer Susie Shina recommends these intense exercises designed specifically for the white-collar environment: Wall presses (like push-ups, only against a wall), stand-ups (squats into your desk chair), march in place (try not to notice who’s staring) and knee-ups (in your chair, bring your knees up).

Sit for Fitness

Here’s another idea mentioned by more than one fitness expert: Replace your desk chair with a big exercise ball. “When I was a software developer, I brought one of those balance balls to my office and stopped using my desk chair,” says Jeff Wooten, president of The Body Mechanic. “It almost forced me to exercise while I worked.”

Being the first in his office to go chairless earned Wooten quite a few looks and comments. But Wooten and his exercise ball became trendsetters -- and saved money for his employer, which was accustomed to shelling out hundreds of dollars for ergonomic chairs. Balance balls sell for as little as $20.

Leave the Office to Work OutStill, we’ve got to admit that doing push-ups against a wall -- let alone a cubicle partition -- may be just too much. “Some of these activities could be difficult in some work environments,” says Scott Lucett, director of education at the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

The solution may be to take one longer, off-site exercise break. Does your company claim to give its employees a substantial lunchtime, like half or three-quarters of an hour, or even 60 minutes? Then test that claim, even if none of your coworkers do. When Hamlin was training for the New York City Marathon, she would sometimes take off for lunch, go to the gym a block from work, run three miles, shower and be back at her desk within an hour.

Finally, remember that when it comes to exercise, you have more at stake than a desire for a slimmer waistline or less generous hips. “Having a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk for coronary heart disease,” says Dr. Aliya Browne, clinical director of the Hainesport Women’s Heart, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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Ciri-ciri karyawan yang memiliki mentalitas anak-anak

Ciri-ciri karyawan yang memiliki mentalitas anak-anak :
" Selalu menuntut, tetapi sedikit berbuat
" Selalu menyalahkan lingkungan kondisi, tetapi tidak penah intropeksi
" Selalu menuntut syarat terlebih dahulu, baru bersedia mau melakukan sesuatu
" Menginginkan sukses yang cepat, tetapi tidak mau menjalankan prosesnya
" Tidak pernah mau belajar dari kesalahan lalu

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5 Tips Untuk Dipromosi Lebih Cepat

Sukses dengan cepat, dipromosi lebih cepat atau dipercaya lebih banyak adalah dambaan setiap professional. Dibawah ini adalah beberapa tip yang bisa berfungsi sebagai "booster" karir Anda.

Tips 1. Network yang luas

Kembangkan "network" seluas-luasnya dengan orang-orang di dalam perusahaan (terutama mereka yang memegang key positions ). Caranya :

  1. Bersikap sopan kepada siapapun juga. Ramah dan hargai orang lain.
  2. Sapa setiap orang yang Anda jumpai (say hello, basa-basi, pembicaraan informal, dsb )
  3. Punyalah hati yang siap menolong orang lain setiap saat. Bantu kepusingan atasan dengan memberikan ide-ide yang positif. Tolong rekan Anda yang sedang overload dengan pekerjaan.
  4. Secara berkala, kirim mereka email tentang berbagai artikel yang bermanfaat mendukung prestasi kerja mereka.
  5. Bangun hubungan dengan SMS yang berisikan kata-kata motivasi.

Tips 2. Aktif melibatkan diri

Beberapa cara untuk melibatkan diri Anda aktif lebih jauh lagi, yaitu :

  1. Terlibat dengan berbagai kepanitiaan yang ada ( misalnya jadi panitia gathering tahunan, panitia Natal, panitia acara 17 Agustus ).
  2. Ajukan diri Anda menjadi ketua penggalangan dana untuk korban gempa bumi ( misalnya ), dsb. Intinya, dorong dan buatlah diri Anda dikenal hingga Top Management dengan berbagai keterlibatan ini .

Tips 3. Gaungkan kepintaran Anda

Saat Anda menggaungkan "gong" kepandaian Anda, orang akan "melirik" pada kecerdasan yang Anda tebar. Dan ini akan menarik atensi para middle / top management perusahaan. Beberapa cara untuk lakukan hal ini :

  1. Banyak menyumbangkan ide atau saran saat mengikuti berbagai rapat. Jangan berdiam diri saja dan menjadi pendengar yang manis, tetapi bersikaplah kritis, berikan saran-saran yang membangun, ajukan berbagai alternatif solusi
  2. Rajin memasukan saran kedalam "kotak saran" atau "suggestion system" (kalau ada didalam perusahaan Anda
  3. Rajin menulis kiat-kiat atau berbagai tips yang bermanfaat, kirimkan ke email perusahaan atau tempel di "majalah dinding" perusahaan atau bahkan terbitkan didalam "newsletter perusahaan"

Tips 4. Tingkatkan kemampuan komunikasi Anda

Kemampuan berkomunikasi adalah media bagi orang lain menilai "siapa diri Anda". Tingkatkan kemampuan Anda didalam :

  1. Tehnik melakukan presentasi kepada atasan
  2. Cara meyakinkan atasan dan rekan kerja dari departemen lain
  3. Tehnik menjual ide kepada orang lain
  4. Tehnik bernegosiasi dengan bawahan, atasan dan rekan kerja

Semakin Anda menguasai berbagai ketrampilan diatas, semakin positif orang didalam mengenal kualitas Anda.

Tips 5. Pastikan Anda "Berprestasi dalam tugas"

Buktikan pada diri Anda, bahwa Anda mampu melaksanakan setiap tugas yang diberikan. Ciri-ciri orang yang berprestasi dan "capable" adalah :

  1. Mampu menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tepat pada waktunya dan memberikan kualitas sesuai dengan permintaan
  2. Mampu menyelesaikan berbagai masalah dan kesulitan yang muncul didalam penugasan ( problem solver )

Jangan lupa, tidak ada kesuksesan yang diperoleh secara gratis. Semuanya perlu usaha yang keras dan cerdas. Kapan lagi Anda mau mulai mempraktekannya? Bangkit dan langkahkan kaki Anda sekarang juga!.

Oleh : Freddy Liong, MBA,CBA - Success Working Habits Coach

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Enam Sikap Kerja Yang Tidak Disukai Atasan Pada Umumnya

  1. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, tidak cepat-cepat lapor ke atasan.
    Alasannya biasanya cukup klasik, yaitu takut dimarahi oleh Boss. Cepat lambat pasti ketahuan juga dan akan dimarahi oleh atasan, maka sebaiknya, bertindak secara jujur dan gentle, dan jelaskan kesalahan Anda apa adanya. Semakin jujur dan cepat mengakui, semakin baik !

  2. Menolak tugas-tugas tambahan dari atasan
    Kadangkala, atasan akan menguji, sejauh mana Anda memiliki tingkat ketaatan yang tinggi. Sejauh mana kesiapan Anda bersedia menolong beban kerja atasan. Sejauh mana juga, Anda siap berkorban demi kesuksesan bagian yang dipimpin oleh atasan. Semakin Anda menunjukkan dukungan, semakin Anda akan dapat nilai plus dari atasan

  3. Terlalu diam atau terlalu cerewet
    Pada umumnya atasan tidak terlalu suka terhadap karyawan yang terlalu diam, pasif, kurang inisiatif, takut salah mengutarakan pendapat, baru bicara kalau ditanya, dan kurang proaktif. Namun ekstrem selanjutnya, kebanyakan atasan juga tidak suka kepada jenis karyawan yang banyak bicara tetapi tidak berprestasi, terlalu banyak kritik tetapi tidak punya “way-out”, terlalu banyak mengeluh tetapi tidak memiliki solusi, tukang gosip, terlalu banyak bercanda dan kurang mendengarkan orang lain.

  4. Yang ingin menonjolkan diri sendiri
    Jenis karyawan seperti ini biasanya selalu memanfaatkan berbagai situasi untuk terlihat “lebih” dihadapan atasan ( lebih pandai, lebih menonjol, lebih menarik perhatian, dsb ). Biasanya karyawan tipe ini selain akan dijauhi oleh para rekan kerjanya, juga akan membuat si Boss tarik nafas melihat ulah ”lebay”nya

  5. Tipe orang yang bila diberi tugas, “ngak ngerti-ngerti aja”
    Orang seperti ini akan bolak balik tanya pada si atasan tentang tugas yang harus dijalankan. Selain menyita waktu atasan, perilaku ini akan sangat menjengkelkan, karena si karyawan terlihat tidak siap untuk tugas-tugasnya

  6. Tipe karyawan yang bila ditanya, tidak siap menjawab
    Yang terakhir, adalah tipe karyawan yang kalau ditanya berbagai tentag tugasnya sering menjawab,”Wah, ada dibuku catatan saya Pak. Catatannya ada dimeja kerja,...ketinggalan dirumah,....kehapus karena virus komputer....,dll” Intinya, kalau ditanya data tertentu, selalu tidak bisa jawab dengan cepat.

Bila Anda ingin berprestasi, perhatikan faktor-faktor diatas, dan selalu berlatih agar Anda tidak terjebak dengan perilaku yang akan merugikan karir Anda.

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Work From Home With Temp Writing Jobs

By: Warren Wong

You have all the flexibility you could ever want in a job when you take temp writing jobs and work from home. There are many people who need the services of a writer for small and large projects, such as creating web content for sites, preparing sales letters, resume writing, writing ebooks and more. If you have a talent for creating exciting and informational content and you have a good grasp of English grammar and punctuation, you can earn a good living working at these types of jobs.

Freelance writers are in big demand for magazines, companies and individuals. There are also free sites on the Internet where you can post submit articles and get paid a percentage of the advertising revenue earned by that site. The pay is only pennies a day, but if you submit articles on a regular basis and build up a fine selection on a variety of topics, you will soon see the pay increasing. You make money whenever a reader clicks on an ad posted on that site.

There is more money to be made when you can write well. With the subscription sites, you pay to join and then gain entrance into the bidding sections of the site where you can choose writing jobs in your field of expertise. You browse through the writing jobs that are posted and decide how much you would charge to complete the work. You then submit a proposal to the client and if you are chosen you have a temporary writing job. Some of the jobs will take you only a few hours or a day to complete, while others take longer or could even be full time employment. You can choose to be paid through the subscription site or if the employer wishes you can be paid through an offshore bank account.

You can decide which projects you would like to take on and how much writing you do in one day. This is the perfect job for stay at home moms and dads because they can work around the children sleep and play schedules. Work late into the night or early in the morning ?whatever time you wish. You don have to get dressed for work and try to manage the traffic in the morning in an effort to get to work on time. Stay in your pyjamas all day, take coffee breaks whenever you want or just go outdoors and enjoy the great sunshine.

Your office can be your kitchen table. Just open your laptop and go to work. Your employer can be in any part of the world. The only investment you need for such a job is a computer with an Internet connection and perhaps a paid subscription. There are many ads posted online looking for freelance writers in all genres and industries. If you have technical or computer expertise, you could be a writer for a user manual or write handbooks or study guides for teachers and students. The world is at your feet when you choose this line of work and you choose your own rate of pay.

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7 Ways A More Aggressive Job Search Produces Better Results

By: Leslie Kearney

Is your job search producing lackluster results at best? Don't settle for a job search that just creeps along! Instead, consider taking a more aggressive approach to take fuller advantage of high performing tactics.

You need to know that an aggressive job search techniques are unconventional, often radical, and always strategic. And they work! They outperform traditional job search strategies in 7 key ways:

(1) Make your aggressive tactics proactive: If you have been in the job market very long this is the way it is typically done. Traditionally you submit your resume and cover letter, then passively sit back and wait for a call. Hopefully to an interview. But in an aggressive job search, you set the pace for your campaign through weekly networking calls or emails. These should include weekly follow-up contacts with hiring managers that you have sent your email and cover letter to. These will include both posted or anticipated job openings. By making 10 - 15 such calls each week, you can increase the pace of your results. And affect your search exponentially.

(2) Target your aggressive job search tactics: If you spend all your time only seeking online job postings, then you're missing out on all kinds of highly targeted job leads. Instead focus on specific industries, employers, geographic areas, and position types to help you magnify the number of interviews and job offers you receive. Don't make the mistake of applying for everything you see. ­Doing that may make you feel productive, but such a shot-gun approach to job searching ultimately fails to help you secure the position you desire. For several years I was in sales and the companies I worked for pushed cold calling. I hate cold calling because it is unproductive. So I focused in applying the above techniques to sales. They worked. I was always way ahead of my peers who spent their time cold calling.

(3) Aggressive job search tactics are consistent: If you sit back and wait for the interesting jobs to show up on job boards and in ads, you are guaranteeing failure or at best prolonging the agony of job searching.

If you submit 8-10 resumes in some weeks, say, and only 1-2 in others, then you are setting yourself up for failure. However by leveraging an aggressive job search will enable you to consistently submit 25 or more resumes per week, which in turn will produce a regular series of job interviews. And a series of interviews boosts your odds of receiving one or more job offers. That’s the plan after all, isn’t it?

(4) Aggressive job search tactics are customized: No matter how you figure, a job search is something of a numbers game just as it is in the sales scenario I mentioned above. The philosophy behind traditional job search tactics of blasting your resume to hundreds of employers all at once, is a job is a job, is a job. But that leaves no room for you to target specific industry segments or position types. A more aggressive job search technique will stress your individuality by weaving your personality and career-related values into your resume, cover letter, and interview responses that boosts the odds that hiring managers looking for someone like you will actually find you. If you read through the articles on our website you will find that is our basic philosophy because all jobs are not created equal.

(5) Aggressive job search tactics are free or low-cost: If you took advantage of all the job search offers available on the Internet, you could easily spend hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars, and still see little to no positive results. The good news, though, is that by using an aggressive job search technique by their very nature either free or extremely low-cost. Many HR consulting firms who work with job seekers will often stress that they give you hundreds of hiring employer names to contact (that's how they justify their high fees). Did you know that you can access that same information on the Internet for free? You will be surprised at what you can find on the Internet, or maybe not surprised at all.

(6) An aggressive job search tactic will restore balance to your life: Many things in life output and effort, yet overlook the power of automation. Searching for a job is no different. By taking advantage of automated functions in your pc's software and on online job search tools, you could save time every week. Life is too short, to spend all your time hunting down job leads. Enhance the quality of your life by automating your job search in every way possible.

(7) And finally aggressive job search tactics will penetrate the Hidden Job Market: One of the greatest weaknesses of traditional job search methods is that they focus on the Visible Job Market, or those jobs that are both currently available and known outside the hiring organization. A major company where my daughter works hires that way and pays a bonus for referrals. My daughter has helped several friends find work with this firm and in the process has pocketed several hundred dollars in bonuses. Almost three quarters of all jobs are never advertised in the Visible Job Market. Most companies would prefer to promote from within or hire from a referral of a trusted employee. So what does a smart job seeker do? They tell everyone they know that they are available. You have to ­leverage the power of the aggressive job search tactics to penetrate the Hidden Job Market as much as possible.

You don't have to wait for a hot economy to land the job you really want. By taking advantage of as many aggressive job search tactics as possible, you will dramatically shorten your job search while boosting the interviews and offers you land.

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Right Approaches To Medical Interviews

By: Jon Caldwell

In interviewing your patient, take note of the following problems in communication and try your best to provide solutions to them:

1. The interview situation is complicated and dynamic. Keep in mind that you have to listen well to your patient and not impose your thoughts upon the conversation.

2. There is a variety of personality types that a doctor or a patient can assume. Try your best to deal with these types and communicate using their preferred way of communication.

3. The patient's situation is complex and it could not be simplified right away. Patients might even be reluctant to discuss it, however encourage the patient to discuss it further.

4. Know the risks involved and let your patients know. They have a right to understand the potential dangers of your procedures and choose other options if possible.

Encourage your patients to get involved. Ask for feedback. Let them tell you their insights, concerns and plans. Try to know what they know and correct any misinformation that they may have. There is a great chance that they will have heard Mr. John Doe say that this kind of treatment causes certain death that's why they shouldn't be taking that, or read in the paper that pill x causes dizziness and pimples when taken regularly. Also, they may tell you that this procedure costs too much and they will take this cheaper yet irrelevant procedure instead. Neutralize these fallacious beliefs and assure them that they are in good hands.

In talking with your patients, you will be imparting information that will be very important to the state of their wellbeing. Because of this, you must be careful in the way you express your statements. Here are some guidelines:

Patients tend to forget 2/3 of what they hear and more so if they're under stress or pain. Confirm if the patient heard and understood what was said. Keep your words simple: simplify, categorize, prioritize, repeat yourself and let them repeat what you have said. You could make it even easier for them by setting ideas in a familiar context, making them more accessible and linking these with a person, image or metaphor.

In a medical interview, you would be judged according to the way you dress and the way you behave, but most importantly, by the way you answer the questions. Here are some topics that will likely be discussed:

Academic record: This includes grades, courses and anything which may catch their attention. If you have a failing grade, prove that you have compensated. If you have a research, prepare to defend it.

Extracurricular activities: Talk about your interests and their applications to the medical field

Motivations: Why did you choose a medical career? Give specific experiences and relevant skills.

Current issues in health care: Demonstrate your awareness, logic and sensitivity. Read on a variety of topics including ethics, culture and society.

Send your CV to as many agencies as you can. Just pick out the ones that will contact you first before passing out your details to companies. If you send it to more agencies, you will increase your chances of knowing a good job offer. Just do not tell the agency that you are sending your CV to others. Their goal is to try to persuade you to just register with them alone. If they will be able to do that, they will be willing to invest more time with you.

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Get A Well Paying Job After The Cdl Training Program

By: Kris Koonar

If you love to travel all around the country by road, do not mind driving for long hours at a stretch and would like to earn some serious money, then truck driving is the best option for you. To get a well paying trucking job, however, you need to acquire your Commercial Driving License [CDL]. Here are some tips on how to get a well paying job after a CDL training program.

Join a driving school that not only promises quality training but also actually provides it. Avoid, for example, driving schools that promise to make you an excellent truck driver in 2 weeks. The driving course should be a minimum of at least 3 weeks in order for you to learn not only the basics but also the finer nuances of driving. Before you join any school, ensure that you will get at least 50 hours hands on truck driving. The Professional Truck Driver Institute [PTDI] requires that students have at least 44 hours of actual truck driving experience. Some schools mislead students by claiming that you could get up to 80 hours behind the wheel.

Confirm the term 'behind the wheel' since it might imply that you might be sitting in reality behind with four other students while the 5th student is driving the truck. If you can afford slightly higher fees, then join a school that offers a one-student-per-instructor training. This will allow you to absorb all the required knowledge without other students to disturb you. If your driving school has a tie-up with several freight companies or other corporations that require drives on a regular basis then that would greatly increase the chances of landing a job as soon as you get your CDL. Remember that in case you want to drive trucks with hazardous chemicals, then you will need special HAZMAT training. If you plan to drive trucks with double or triple trailers, then you will also need training in handling such trucks.

Your driving school should also have a placement department that can quickly hook you up with the right company, once you have finished your course. Many companies might not hire freshers, and you might have to join at a lower pay scale and prove your mettle within six months to a year in order to move to a higher scale. If you do not have the required money to join a driving school, then many companies offer to train you for "free". Remember that you will be bound to work in that particular company for around two years in order to pay for your "free" training and in case you want to leave your job before two years, then the cost of the "free" training will be adjusted in your salary. So remember, nothing in life is "free"! If you have completed your training through a reputed accredited driving school then you should not have any problem in securing a well paying job.

It is therefore imperative that you attend a driving school that imparts not only theoretical knowledge but actually teaches you how to drive under various road and weather conditions. This will ensure your safety and even keep others safe when you are on the road. Due to the high demand for truck drivers, you can easily get a well paying job once you have successfully completed your CDL training program.

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