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Senin, 28 Juni 2010

So You Are Ready to Find a Job

By Jerry J Corliss

It's tough out there for a job seeker- although the economy is improving, it's still a difficult task to find a job in many areas of the country. This article will attempt to give you a few tips to make your search for a job a successful one. It's written with the assumption that you are willing to take a job that may not be exactly what you want or what you've trained for, but instead you're looking for a job, any job, to make ends meet and keep food on the table. You can always look to trade up to a better position once you're working at something and the money is coming in.
First, make a list of all your skills and qualifications- not just the ones you list on your resume or those in your chosen career, but all of them. Think about all the jobs you've had, even the ones you weren't fond of, and what skills you took away from them. Did you have a fast food job as a teenager? Did you work part-time in college? What positions did you fill, and what skills did you learn? These things can be helpful in your search for work, even if you trained for a different professional career. Remember, the point is to gain employment- you can always find a better job once you're working.
Now, once you have the list, sit down and start pouring through your local job ads, and look for jobs that correspond to your skill list. When you find an ad that seems promising, see if your resume can be re-written to emphasize the skills you have that will be useful in that position.
As far as finding job ads, check the newspaper carefully- some companies have not yet started to use the Internet to fill vacancies, and still use the printed page to find new employees. There are many major sites on the Internet that will allow you to post your resume and search for jobs; check these often, at least once a day, and submit your resume to every job you think you might be able to do, even if it's not in your chosen field. Check the Craigslist for your area, but beware of spam and scams; these abound on Craigslist. Be discriminating about what jobs you post to on Craigslist because of this; you don't want your personal information being given to scammers!
Temp agencies are also an excellent choice- they want skilled people to fill positions, they'll hunt down jobs for you, and, if they're reputable, they'll be very professional about giving you your paycheck. Although most temp agencies make their money from taking a percent of your wages for a time, they wouldn't last long as a business if they took too much. After all there are many worse things than working with a temp agency, and unemployment is definitely one of them.
When you interview, remember to be neat and tidy, even if it's just for a menial position. Even if you're interviewing with a fast food company, if you're a man, wear a shirt, tie, and dress pants, and if you're a woman, wear a nice blouse and dress pants or skirt, and both genders should wear clean shoes. It goes without saying you should have recently showered, and you should arrive for your interview slightly early. This will be the first time they see you, and as the old saying goes, you only have one chance to make a first impression. Be polite, courteous, and answer all questions as honestly as you can while still painting yourself in a positive light.
Don't be discouraged if you have a few interviews that don't go anywhere; it's all good practice (and your interviewing will benefit from practice!) You never know, they may call you up somewhere down the line with a position for you. Just keep at it, check the job postings twice a day, keep sending out those resumes, show up for interviews clean and polite, and you will land a job! Best of luck!

careers, Jobs Indonesia, Indonesia Vacancy

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